At Ormiston Meadows Academy, we believe that children deserve an ambitious and stimulating geography curriculum that provokes creativity and excellence; rich in skills that encompass other curriculum specialties. They will become resilient in critical thinking about the world that will prepare our students to make their own way in it.
Children will learn to respect: place, people and the environment- locally and globally. We will utilise our own locality, incorporating Nene Park Trust to embed and deepen geographical skills, and enhance their knowledge through learning outside of the classroom. As an investigative subject, we focus on enquiry based learning where the children are challenged to expand their geographical skills through exploring atlases, maps, and using fieldwork and investigation to inform their understanding.
The curriculum is sequenced on concepts, where skills and knowledge encompass both human and physical geography, including many transferrable skills such as problem solving, data collection and evaluation. As children progress through the school, they are able to deepen their geographical thinking, relating near and far and having an understanding of the interaction between economic and social differences. Children develop their self-worth through a high-quality curriculum where geography inspires the children’s curiosity and fascination about the world, its people, as well as confidently understanding their place in it.