
“Attendance is very important – our Academy target is at least 95%”

Regular attendance at school promotes pupil well-being, maximises progress in learning and helps pupils reach their potential. The attendance pattern for all children is monitored weekly with the school seeking to work actively with parents to ensure a regular pattern is maintained. One of our basic principles is to celebrate success.

Good attendance is fundamental to a successful and fulfilling school experience. It is our duty to promote 100% attendance for all children. For our children to take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered it is vital that our pupils are at school, on time, every day the school is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.

All children have the right to an education and we have put in place appropriate procedures to support this. We believe that the most important factor in promoting good attendance is development of positive attitudes towards school and learning.

Click here to see our Attendance Policy

Why is good attendance important?

  • Statistics show a direct link between under-achievement and absence below 95%.
  • Regular attenders make better progress, both socially and academically.
  • Regular attenders find school routines, school work and friendships easier to cope with.
  • Regular attenders find learning more satisfying.
  • Regular attenders are most successful in transferring between primary school, secondary school, higher education and employment or training.

How you can help your child attend regularly

  • Making sure they understand the importance of good attendance and punctuality.
  • Taking an interest in their education – ask about school work and encourage them to get involved in school activities.
  • Discussing any problems, they may have at school – inform their teacher or whoever is in charge of attendance at the schools about anything serious.
  • Not letting them take time off school for minor ailments – particularly those which would not prevent you from going to work.
  • Arranging appointments and outings after school hours, at weekends or during school holidays will help to prevent disruption to your child’s education and to the school.

What if my child is absent from the Academy?

You should inform the Academy on the first day of the child’s absence, so that an authorised absence can be recorded.  Authorised absences are acceptable reasons for absence and cover: illness; hospital/dental appointments; religious holidays; attendance at court; funerals etc.  However, all appointments should, where possible, be arranged after the Academy day or during holidays.

To report an absence please call the school office on 01733 231008 or email [email protected]

Unauthorised absences

Unauthorised absences are absences where no acceptable reason is given and include: shopping; going to the airport; a relative visiting; going for a haircut; parent/carer unwell; holidays etc. Under no circumstances may children leave the Academy, by themselves during Academy hours. 

Parents/carers who collect children during the day to go to the doctor, dentist etc. must first report to the office and the child will be collected from their classroom by office staff. The Academy monitors the attendance of children. The Attendance Officer visits regularly and contacts families where the attendance of a child starts to cause concern and the Academy has not been given a reason or where there is a pattern of absence from the Academy. 

If a child’s attendance continues to be poor, there are no justifiable reasons why your child is not attending regularly, and/or you do not talk to the school about your child’s absence, then you may be breaking the law and the Academy will notify the Council so that they can either issue a penalty notice or start an investigation into why your child is not attending school.