School Council

At Ormiston Meadows Academy, we are proud to promote British Values and believe that our pupils should have the opportunity to contribute towards decisions made in school. We have an elected School Council made up of two pupils from each class, that meet on a regular basis.

Our meetings are led by our Head Students who also take the minutes and prepare the agenda. During the meetings the class representatives discuss any feedback they have received from their classes and agenda items, which could include ,fundraising ideas, behaviour improvement plans, school equipment etc.

At the end of the meeting the class representatives will provide feedback to their class. Once a month our Principal, Mrs Moore, joins the meeting. School Council members are ambassadors for our school and as such they are expected to maintain the highest standards of manners and behaviour.

  • Head Students: To be announced
  • Year 1: To be announced
  • Year 2: To be announced
  • Year 3: To be announced
  • Year 4: To be announced
  • Year 5: To be announced
  • Year 6: To be announced

Our representatives on OAT’s National School Council are:To be announced