Ormiston Meadows Academy is committed to the principles of promoting equality of opportunity, celebrating diversity and reducing discrimination in order to create a positive environment where all pupils feel able to achieve. We want to ensure that all staff, pupils and members of the school community feel valued, and are treated fairly and with respect. These principles are reflected within our Equality Policy, with which this statement is aligned, and together, they demonstrate not only our commitment to equality but also ensure that we fulfil our legal obligations.
Since April 2012 all public bodies, including all local authorities and all schools have been bound by what is known as the Public Sector Equality Duty (Section 149 of the Equality Act). This replaces previous statutory duties on race, gender and disability and covers the 9 protected characteristics.
All schools have a general duty to promote equality. This duty has three main elements; which all schools must have due regard to the need to:
Our academy also tackles prejudice and promote understanding through:
In fulfilling our legal obligations, we will be guided by the following core statements: