Religious Education (RE)

At Ormiston Meadows, our bespoke RE curriculum plays an important role in the growth of pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 

We are an inclusive school who value and celebrate the backgrounds of our pupils and colleagues alike. Engaging pupils in an enquiry approach where they can develop knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the 6 Key world religions and worldviews in the local, national and global community is at the centre of this curriculum. During their time at Ormiston Meadows, we want children to demonstrate our key values of: respect, resilience, self-worth, and excellence by questioning, understanding differences within our society. We want to nurture children who are respectful of each other and have a deeper understanding of the multi-cultural and diverse society they will move into life as adults. It introduces pupils to the world around us, allowing them to explore how different faiths, beliefs and worldviews are celebrated within a family and local community setting. The curriculum draws on what is taught in EYFS and allows the pupils to develop their knowledge and vocabulary further. The KS1 curriculum gives the pupils the key vocabulary and knowledge then allowing them to look at all the religions, beliefs and worldviews again in KS2 but in greater depth. Pupils are encouraged to explore, investigate, and ponder.

We know that with high quality teaching and learning, pupils will relish experiencing the ever-changing world around them

Parents have the right to withdraw their child/children from all or part of Religious Education lessons. If parents wish to discuss their right to withdraw, we ask that they contact the academy in writing in the first instance